Aqua finning or how to get a jaw dropping body

Aqua finning or how to get a jaw dropping body

Have you heard of aqua finning? Usually it's the best sport for giving your thighs and glutes an effective workout. And besides that, you'll be looking great on the beach this summer! We've tried out aqua yoga to relax, so it's natural that afterwards we wanted to try aqua finning for a more in-depth workout. No more games, get your fins on!

Aqua finning : shorts or long fins ?

"Finswimming" is a technique that allows you to intensively build muscle in your thighs and glutes and sculpt your legs. The perfect equation if you want to work on your lower body! Short fins are great: light and with a short foil area (max. 5 to 10 cm longer than your foot), they also have the advantage of being flexible. Result: you gain space in your bag and it's not so heavy. Their features: better frequency and more cardio. You gain muscle, particularly in the abs and glutes. Thanks to the fins, more muscle mass is used while exercising and you expend more energy.

Swimming advice: to train correctly, we recommend swimming front or back crawl for 15 minutes (perfect if you have a bad back). You can also use a board held in front of you, kicking your legs from the tips of your toes while moving your entire leg from the hip, all without tensing up your body. And of course, don't forget to drink otherwise you risk getting cramp!

Aqua finning or how to get a jaw dropping body

It's often thought that long fins are just for diving. But that's not true! In the swimming pool they give you speed and therefore endurance. They also ease the workout on your legs and focus instead on other parts of the body, particularly the abs and glutes. The longer their foil, the more effort they require. Their features: lower frequency but more glide, giving the entire leg a workout.

Swimming advice: Finning efficiently means finning with your legs from your hips and not from your knees, while alternating swimming on your front and back to avoid getting cramp in your calf. Also consider alternating between short and long fins to get maximum benefit!

Nabaiji Silifins , training fins, soft water bottle (available in june)